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Call numbers and books

A collection of physical and digital materials designed to help with Electrical Engineering courses.

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Call numbers

TK1-9971 Electrical engineering. Electronics. Nuclear engineering
TK301-399 Electric meters
TK452-454.4 Electric apparatus and materials. Electric circuits. Electric networks
TK1001-1841 Production of electric energy or power. Powerplants. Central stations
TK2000-2891 Dynamoelectric machinery and auxiliaries Including generators, motors, transformers
TK2896-2985 Production of electricity by direct energy conversion
TK3001-3521 Distribution or transmission of electric power
TK4001-4102 Applications of electric power
TK4125-4399 Electric lighting
TK4601-4661 Electric heating
TK5101-6720 Telecommunication Including telegraphy, telephone, radio, radar, television
TK7800-8360 Electronics
TK7885-7895 Computer engineering. Computer hardware
TK8300-8360 Photoelectronic devices (General)
TK9001-9401 Nuclear engineering. Atomic power
TK9900-9971 Electricity for amateurs. Amateur constructors' manuals

InfoBase E-referemce Books

E-books (Electrical calculations)

Web sites

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James Sprunt Community College, P.O. Box 398, 133 James Sprunt Drive, Kenansville, NC 28349 | (910) 296-2400