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Privacy Statement

Frequently asked questions about the William H. Wiggs Library at James Sprunt Community College

Privacy statement

This statement applies to the website of the library (library website) at James Sprunt Community College (the College). For information regarding the College website (opens in a new window), please contact JSCC's Director of Marketing and Public Information at 910-275-6170.

Information collected from site visitors

You may voluntarily provide personally identifiable information to the library, including but not limited to your name, home address, telephone number, and e-mail address, for purposes including, e.g., to obtain a library card. If you do not wish to share this information via the library's website, other arrangements may be made – please contact the library staff.


Other non-identifying information about visitors to the library website is collected automatically, including but not limited to the city from which the site was accessed, device and Internet browser used, pages of the site visited, browsing history (i.e., the location of the link by which the user accessed the library website), and search terms entered into search boxes on the library website. This information is viewable only by library staff logged into password-protected accounts with Springshare (opens in a new window) and Google Analytics (opens in a new window). It is used both for statistical purposes and to assess and improve the library's website and services.

The library will not sell or otherwise misuse the information it collects. If you have any questions about information collected and how it is used, please contact the Director of Library Services.

External links

The library takes no responsibility for the privacy practices of third-party sites linked from its website. Users are encouraged to review the privacy statements of those content providers for more information.

Computers in the library

Per the College's Acceptable Use Policy (PDF (opens in a new window)), "users do not have an expectation of privacy regarding their use of […] computer resources" owned by the College. For more information, contact the Department of Information Technology at or (910) 296-2436.

All websites, articles, images, videos, etc., linked on this site are provided for informational purposes only. External content is not maintained by James Sprunt Community College, nor does it represent the views of the College or its employees. Please notify the library staff if you have concerns about linked content. Students are expected to evaluate all web and print resources and to determine their appropriate academic uses. A hyperlink to a resource or article from these LibGuides does not constitute an endorsement of that resource or article by the library.

Do you have any suggestions or comments about this website?

Fill out a feedback form to Let us know what you think.

Contact Us | Privacy Statement

James Sprunt Community College, P.O. Box 398, 133 James Sprunt Drive, Kenansville, NC 28349 | (910) 296-2400