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Banned and Challenged Books

Celebrate the freedom to read and express yourself during the American Library Association's annual Banned Books Week. Find banned or challenged books available at JSCC's William H. Wiggs Library.

Borrowing note: Items whose catalog records show a location of "Display Area" are available to be checked out and can be found on the table by the reference desk.

Books at JSCC


Books at JSCC


Nonfiction books at JSCC


Books about banned books

Questions to ask as you read

  • Why was this book challenged?
  • What do you expect to find in it, based on the challenge/s?
  • Are you surprised that the book was challenged?
  • Do you agree with criticisms of the book?
  • Would you recommend this book to a teenager?
  • What would you think if a local school required students to read this book?
  • If a local library had this book, would you complain?
  • Is there a meaningful distinction between depicting and endorsing (racism, violence, etc.)?
  • When (if ever) would you want to see a book banned?


References for this page (all links open in new windows)

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