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Pride and Prejudice

Course research guide for ENG 242, British Literature II

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Online resources

The Divine Jane (documentary video)

The Divine Jane: Reflections on Austen is a 16-minute documentary film commissioned for The Morgan Library & Museum's exhibition A Woman's Wit: Jane Austen's Life and Legacy. It features interviews with six authors, scholars, and other Austen enthusiasts discussing her work and lasting influence.  You can view the online portion of the exhibition here.

Pride and Prejudice (illustration)

Formally-dressed man and woman speaking and standing in front of bookcase, drawing, with words Pride and Prejudice below and, in script, excerpt of text

Engraving (1833) from illustrated Pride and Prejudice by Pickering and Greatbatch (via Wikimedia Commons)

Books at JSCC

Books at JSCC

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