The library catalog allows you to search books, books on CD, and DVDs owned by the library, plus the collections of most other NC community colleges.
Use it to find out what's available, locate items on the shelf, renew checked-out items, and request books from other libraries.
An item's catalog record will contain a location, such as:
Once you know an item's location, use its call number to track it down. Books and DVDs are sorted by subject using alphanumeric call numbers (assigned based on the Library of Congress Classification system). For instance, call numbers starting with E are given to titles about American history; call numbers from E 456 to E 655 address the Civil War. Some call numbers start with letter pairs – for example, Q is used for the sciences, QB for astronomy, QD for chemistry, etc.
You do not need to memorize the classification system! To browse for a particular subject, see the posters in the library.
Learn more about call numbers below.
Read a call number piece by piece, left to right, to locate an item.
For example, the catalog record for Suzanne Collins's The Hunger Games catalog record gives its call number as PZ 7 .C6837 Hun 2009. There is a corresponding label on the book's spine:
Once you're close enough, you can usually spot the title on the book's spine. Can't find something? It might be on display or recently returned, so feel free to ask a staff member for help.
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James Sprunt Community College, P.O. Box 398, 133 James Sprunt Drive, Kenansville, NC 28349 | (910) 296-2400