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Find Books

Course research guide for ENG 112, Writing and Research in the Disciplines

Research Spotlight: Titles in a Series

Catalog search tips

  • Keep it simple!
  • Check your spelling! The catalog won't correct typos.
  • Write down call numbers and locations to find the book on the shelf.
  • Use quotation marks to search for phrases
    "social networking"
  • Use AND to narrow searches: records must contain both terms
    energy AND nuclear
  • Use OR to broaden searches: records can contain either term
    "sex education" OR "abstinence only"
  • Use NOT to clarify searches: records cannot contain the term after NOT
    privatization NOT education
  • Search with root words using the symbol $
    legali$ finds "legalize," "legalization," "legality," etc.
  • Use ? to indicate an unknown letter
    wom?n finds "woman" and "women"
  • Remember to allow at least 1 week for books requested from other libraries to arrive

Browse for books

Browse for books in the Reference section or general collection by subject.

Outlines of the classification system are posted in the library and at the Library of Congress website.

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