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Ebook Central

Learn how to find e-books from the library to download or read online.

About ebrary

Ebook Central (formerly ebrary) offers a diverse collection of over 150,000 e-books from academic and commercial publishers. These include: scholarly titles from university presses (useful for research projects); instructional and how-to texts (advanced textbooks, For Dummies titles, grammar guides, cookbooks, etc.); popular politics, self-help, and other general nonfiction; literary classics; and much more. See sample nonfiction (see selected titles) and fiction (see selected titles) titles at the bottom of this page, or go to the Ebook Central homepage to browse or search:

E-books can be accessed in your browser or downloaded to your personal device for on-the-go reading. A free Ebook Central account lets you create your own bookshelves, bookmark pages, and save your notes. See the FAQ and handout below for more information.

FAQ: using ebrary

Do I need my library card or a JSCC e-mail address?

Yes, unless you're on campus. For off-campus NC LIVE access, use either your JSCC e-mail or your library card number to log in.

Can I download books?

Yes, most titles can be downloaded in EPUB format. Select "Full Download." You'll be prompted to install the appropriate app to read EPUBs: Adobe Digital Editions for desktop or laptop computers, Bluefire Reader for most mobile devices.

Do I need an account?

If you want to download books to read offline, you'll need to set up a free account with ebrary. However, all books are available to read online (in your web browser) without an account.

How long can I borrow a book?

Titles will be checked out for 7 or 14 days, depending on the publisher. You do not need to do anything to return a book – your access will expire automatically. If you still need the book, return to the ebrary site to check it out again or read it online.

Can I download to my phone, tablet, or e-reader?

For iOs and Android mobile devices, you'll use the Bluefire Reader app. For help or troubleshooting with other devices, search the ebrary Support Center for your brand (e.g., NOOK, Kindle).

Can I read a book in my web browser?

Yes, ebrary's reader is available in most modern browsers.; however, performance is smoothest with Firefox, Safari, or IE. See "Getting started with ebrary and the new reader" on the ebrary help site for tips about reading books online, searching for keywords, making notes, etc.

I have another question!

Contact the library staff or see:


How can I read it?

Found a book you want to read? Look for these buttons to read it in your browser or download it:

Two buttons labeled Read Online and Full Download respectively (screencapture from ebrary)

Books from ebrary

Sample titles from ebrary



All websites, articles, images, videos, etc., linked on this site are provided for informational purposes only. External content is not maintained by James Sprunt Community College, nor does it represent the views of the College or its employees. Please notify the library staff if you have concerns about linked content. Students are expected to evaluate all web and print resources and to determine their appropriate academic uses. A hyperlink to a resource or article from these LibGuides does not constitute an endorsement of that resource or article by the library.

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James Sprunt Community College, P.O. Box 398, 133 James Sprunt Drive, Kenansville, NC 28349 | (910) 296-2400