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Learn how to find e-books from the library to download or read online.

About OneClickdigital

Log onto hoopla (formerly RBdigital) to find over 2,000 audiobooks that you can download directly to your computer or mobile device (and even play in your car). 

FAQ: using RBdigital

Do I need my library card?

Yes, unless you're on campus. For off-campus access to NC LIVE, log in with your JSCC e-mail or enter your library card number.

Can I download audiobooks?

Yes, you can download audiobooks to your computer, tablet, or MP3 player. Download the free app from the RBdigital website or search for rbdigital in your app store.

Can I listen to a book without downloading it?

Yes: once you've checked out a book, use the "Chapters" tab on the same page to stream the audio files. You must be online to stream.

Can I download e-books?

Yes, titles can be downloaded in EPUB format. These files can be read with Adobe Digital Editions (for desktops and laptops), the RBdigital app (for mobile), or the Bluefire app (for mobile).

Do I need an account?

Yes, you'll need to set up a free RBdigital account to download or stream audiobooks.

How long can I borrow a book?

Audiobooks and e-books can be borrowed for 7 days. You do not need to do anything to return a book – your access will expire automatically. If you still need the book, return to the RBdigital site to check it out again or place a hold.

Why can't I download this book?

One copy of an audiobook or e-book is available to one user at a time. Titles provided to JSCC users can also be checked out by patrons of NC LIVE member libraries across the state, and the number of digital "copies" owned varies by title. So, if all copies of the book you want are currently checked out, you can place a hold and you will be notified when the book is available for you to borrow.

Can I download to my phone, tablet, or e-reader?

Yes, most likely. Apple devices (with iOS 5.0+), Android devices (OS 2.3.3+), NOOK, and Kindle Fire are supported. For other devices or device-specific assistance, see the help files () on the RBdigital website.

I have another question!

Contact the library staff or e-mail the RBdigital support team ( You may also wish to consult the help documentation on the RBdigital site or in the app. A video tutorial on the mobile app is also available:


Help documentation for the updated RBdigital app will be added once available. Many basic functions are unchanged from OneClickdigital.

How can I read it?

To borrow a book that's currently available, look for the "Checkout Now" button:

Checkout Now button from OneClickdigital, with 7-day loan period indicated (screencapture)

If a book is unavailable, you'll see a "Hold" button, which will add you to the list of waiting patrons – you'll be notified when it's available:

Hold button from OneClickdigital (screencapture)

When you've got a book checked out, you'll see buttons to renew or return it (it's not necessary to return books, as they expire automatically):

Renew and Return buttons from OneClickdigital (screencapture)

To keep track of books you want to read, use "Add to Wishlist" – this will not put a hold on a book:

Add to Wishlist button from OneClickdigital (screencapture)

Books from OneClickdigital

Sample titles from RBdigital

Fiction audiobooks

Nonfiction audiobooks


(If redirected to the OneClickdigital homepage, search for the title or author to locate the book.)

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James Sprunt Community College, P.O. Box 398, 133 James Sprunt Drive, Kenansville, NC 28349 | (910) 296-2400